ClearCorrect® vs. Traditional Braces

Orthodontics, invisalign, teeth, dental, beauty


ClearCorrect® is a far more convenient option than other methods for straightening one's teeth. Patients remove the aligners themselves when eating, so there are no restrictions on which foods you can eat. Patients also do not have to worry about something becoming stuck in the brackets or the embarrassment of feeling awkward while eating. Patients wear ClearCorrect® for at least 22 hours per day, leaving plenty of time to enjoy a romantic dinner, business meeting, or lunch without metal braces ruining one's confidence. This makes it possible for patients to maintain their current lifestyle without any further restrictions.
Another advantage of ClearCorrect® braces over traditional ones is that patients can remove the aligners while playing sports, a musical instrument or singing in the choir.

Traditional Braces

Traditional metal braces are extremely effective for straightening teeth and treating misaligned jaws. While metal braces are more comfortable than they were in the past, they are still noticeable and unfavorable to many. With the wires, brackets, and rubber bands, traditional metal braces can negatively impact the way that a person looks and feels. Many people find that traditional braces are distracting and do not fit into a busy or professional lifestyle.
Simultaneously, metal braces are difficult to keep clean as food can become stuck between the brackets, requiring a special floss to remove the bits of food. At Apple Tree Dental Studio, we can help patients receive the necessary treatment without having to drastically change their diet or skip out on some of their favorite treats when wearing braces.

Caucasian Woman with White Smile Holding Transparent Removable Retainer


ClearCorrect® Braces Straightening Teeth

ClearCorrect® braces are an alternative to both traditional braces and Invisalign®. In our Avondale dentist office, we provide this solution for straightening teeth discretely. If you live in or near the Avondale area and want to improve your appearance, we invite you to call (623) 536-3377 and schedule a consultation to learn how this treatment option can work for you.


ClearCorrect® Process

Instead of relying on metal brackets and wires to move teeth, ClearCorrect® braces use a series of clear aligners to move teeth into place. The aligners are made of a clear and comfortable plastic that looks similar to a full retainer. By taking care of them and refraining from scratching their surface, aligners will remain clear and virtually invisible when worn. At Apple Tree Dental Studio, we can show you how to keep your aligners in perfect condition during the treatment process.



The aligners are created using an impression of your teeth and gums. 



The lab will create a series of aligners that start with the current position of your teeth and slowly move them until they are perfectly straight.



A patient will wear each aligner for about four to six weeks. Afterward, the patient will replace the old aligner with the next one in the series.